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Liar Liar
7 out of 107 out of 107 out of 107 out of 107 out of 10
Rated: PG-13
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Jim Carrey is a funny man. And Liar Liar is a funny movie.
So how does it compare to some of his other movies? It is better than Ace Ventura II: Nature Calls and The Mask but not as good as Dumb & Dumber or Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.
Basically, Jim Carrey plays a lawyer named Fletcher Reed who, as his son puts it, is a liar (The kid's teacher thinks that "liar" is just a mispronunciation of "lawyer" but ironically it's all the same). He is divorced and always gives his x-wife and son excuses for not fulfilling his fatherly duties. So when his son makes his birthday wish he wishes that for just one day his father could not tell a lie. This is when the humor really begins with Mr. Carrey being blatantly truthful. This movie is filled with some of Mr. Carrey's rubbery faces and energetic antics that we all have come to love. However, this movie sadly seemed to try too hard at times to get a laugh.
This movie also seemed to want to teach us something in its own wacky way. However, as I now reflect on the movie I cannot really tell you what that is.
At the end of the movie are outtakes that are pretty funny. But then again, outtakes are always funny.
thumbs up!If you have a sense of humor and/or like Jim Carrey then this movie is for you. However, if you never laugh, hate children, abhor the idea of someone changing his/her errant ways for the love of someone else, and/or for whatever reason do not like Jim Carrey, then I feel very sorry for you.

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So far, the average rating for Liar Liar is: 8.094 (267 votes)

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