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What Lies Beneath
picture from What Lies Beneath 9 out of 109 out of 109 out of 109 out of 109 out of 10
Rated: PG-13
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Current Voter Rating: 8.080 (176 votes)
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This movie scared the $#!^ out of me. I had no idea that it would be this scary when I went to see it. I was completely surprised that I was being surprised (hopefully, that makes sense).

Harrison Ford. Michelle Pfeiffer. I was thinking, "This looks like a romantic drama with a bit of a ghost theme thrown in." Boy was I wrong! This is a pure and bona-fide horror flick.

The film centers itself around its main character, Claire Spencer (played perfectly by Pfeiffer). After her daughter goes off to college, and after her husband begins working late to finish up a project, Claire finds herself very alone and quite vulnerable. Her new neighbors are quite a mystery to her, and her new house is uncomfortable. Eventually she begins hearing and even seeing things which she cannot explain. Is she paranoid? Is she being haunted? This sets up quite a stage for the unexpected and the terrifying. And Michelle Pfieffer is superb at getting us as nervous and frightened as Claire.

picture from What Lies Beneath

For that matter, both Harrison Ford and Michelle Pfeiffer look like they belong in horror/suspense movies. It seemed natural. And after watching this film, I will look at each of them (and their movies) differently.

And chalk another great one up for director Robert Zemeckis (Forrest Gump, Back to the Future I, II, and II, Romancing the Stone, Contact). This may be his best yet (with the possible exception of Forrest Gump). He creates great moods as he propels us along his thrill ride.

picture from What Lies Beneath Now any good horror/suspense movie is going to provide moments of intense tension and startling surprises meant to separate the men from the boys, so to speak. And What Lies Beneath does this to the extreme. What separates this movie from the rest of its genre is the fact that most of them will allow the audience to rest and catch its breath by inserting a scene in which there is no danger for the characters; this movie does not afford us this luxury. In fact, I felt more weary as I left the theater than as I do after a long run. My friend Steve, who experienced this with me commented that movies are supposed to be a way to unwind on the weekend after a hard week's work. We both agreed that watching this film did not aid us in this regard.

Normally, I will flat-out refuse to see a scary movie. I do not enjoy being scared. However, with that said, I must also say that I think that this is a marvelous film. It really is great. The story and the plot twists, as well as the suspense, are unlike any other. What Lies Beneath stands atop its class. (I love word plays like that, don't you?)

picture from What Lies Beneath

thumbs up!If you enjoy suspenseful films, this is one of the best. However, make sure that you are well rested and in excellent physical health before braving this film.

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