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Shanghai Knights
picture from Shanghai Knights 7 out of 107 out of 107 out of 107 out of 107 out of 10
Rated: PG-13
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Current Voter Rating: 6.873 (55 votes)
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I have always enjoyed Jackie Chan movies, and this one is no exception. Shanghai Knights is a sequel to the movie Shanghai Noon which came out a few years ago. Jackie Chan teams up once again with co-star Owen Wilson, who provides the comic relief. Chan reprises the role of Chon Wang (pronounced "John Wayne") who is the man who left his home and his father's legacy behind in China to make a new life for himself in America. Owen Wilson stars as Roy O'Bannon, a somewhat irresponsible but forgiveable playboy whose pairing with Wang create a sort of Odd Couple, if you will. The scene is set in America's West in the mid 19th century (that's the 1800's for those who are easily confused).

This time around, Wang and O'Bannon find themselves travelling across the ocean to England where they are in search for Wang's father's ruthless killer. There they meet up with Wang's sister, Chon Lin (Fann Wong), who serves as O'Bannon's love interest. They also run into a young street kid named Charlie (who later we find out is none other than Charlie Chaplin). Along the way they have many adventures, have many laughs, save the day, and even learn a few lessons.

picture from Shanghai Knights

As usual, what makes this movie great is Jackie Chan. The fight choreography that he incorporates into his movies is always fresh, fun, and simply fantastic! My favorite scene was one in which he takes on an English street gang in a crowded London marketplace. He does some brilliant moves making use of umbrellas as his weapons...umbrellas!

Adding another dimension to the film is the persona of Owen Wilson. He was very funny with his dry delivery of witty and sometimes absurd sayings. My favorite line of his was when he was referring to the rainy London atmosphere saying, "This country blows."

What really caught my eye ('cause hey, I'm a guy) was the sister, played by Fann Wong. Not only was she incredibly beautiful and hot, but she could kick some butt too (she reminded me of Zhang Ziyi from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon). In the movie, she caught O'Bannon's eye as well, much to the chagrin of her protective brother who told him, "If you break her heart, I'll break your legs." O'Bannon replied, "That sounds fair."

picture from Shanghai Knights

And last (literally) but not least are the outtakes which have become a Chan-movie staple. We see all of the times when Jackie Chan got hurt performing one of his ridiculous stunts or when he or Wilson messed up on their lines. One of the best of these was when Chan was trying to say "She is my baby sister" but instead wound up saying "She is my babysitter."

This isn't the greatest movie ever, for there are weaknesses such as overacting in some scenes as well as some over-the-top corniness such as the Big Ben scene below (lest we forget this is an English setting). But in this the good far outweighs the bad, and when it is all said and done, Shanghai Knights will simply leave you feeling good inside. What more could we ask for? Thus, I say, "Thank you, Jackie Chan, once again."

picture from Shanghai Knights

thumbs up!Thumbs up! Jackie Chan is at it again, and Owen Wilson is funny as usual.

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So far, the average rating for Shanghai Knights is: 6.873 (55 votes)

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